Blog Tour Ahoy! And a Writing Resolution Update

I wanted to let you all know that I’ve scheduled a 10-stop Spotlight blog tour from March 4-20.  I’ll be posting the links to the posts as they go live.  I thought I’d share the schedule ahead of time though. 3/4/13 – Tamaria Soana 3/5/13...

A Writer’s New Years Resolutions

2012 has been a fantastic year for me.  Not only have I gained the status of published author, I am fully employed and officially a member of the Massachusetts Bar (aka an attorney).  Indeed, I’ve had a prosperous year.  But with the world still turning (thanks for...

Release Day Is Here!

December 21st is finally upon us.  If you believe the Mayans, this is the last day we’re all going to be on the planet.  So, you know what that means.  Go out and get your copy of Unplanned before we all cease to exist!   I’ve included links of where...

In Review: Libriomancer

I’ve had a bit of a lull in books to read since I finished Changeling. The next book on my list doesn’t come out until early September so I had to figure out something to fill my time. In a new segment on Felicia Day’s Geek and Sundry channel on...

In Review: Changeling

I’ve just been powering through books the last couple weeks. It feels great to get wrapped in other worlds. The only downside is waiting for the next installment. But I think I can be patient. Today’s review is for one of my favorite female urban fantasy...

Evolution of a Writer

As I continue my catch-up on books I had to wait to read until I had free time, I wanted to share my thoughts on how I’ve evolved as a writer, especially over the past year or so. Looking back, it is hard to believe just how far I’ve come as a writer in such a short...

When Characters Go Bad

If you hang out around writers for long, you may hear them complain about their characters as if they were real people. No, we aren’t crazy. We know they aren’t actual people. But we spend so much time with them that we sometimes feel they are three...