Photo of Author Sarah Biglow taken at Fan Expo Boston 2023


USA Today Bestselling author Sarah Biglow is a lawyer, tv addict, wife and mother. Born and raised in suburban Connecticut, she now lives in Massachusetts with her husband and son.

Sarah has a passion for magical worlds and strong female characters. She enjoys the whondunnit of a cozy mystery and the world-in-peril drama of urban fantasy. Because she couldn’t write just one thing, she has split off her work and you can now find all of her cozy mysteries published under the penname S.E. Biglow.

She owes much of her writing career to National Novel Writing Month (find out more here) and has been an active member of the Boston region since 2009. NaNoWriMo as it’s known by its participants not only gives writers an outlet to get their stories down on paper, but it helps promote literacy worldwide.

Sarah adores connecting with readers so reach out any time!