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Reverend Margot Quade Mysteries Complete Series Paperback Omnibus

Reverend Margot Quade Mysteries Complete Series Paperback Omnibus

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Over 250+ 5-star reviews

She'll need the courage of Daniel to survive this lion's den...

When Reverend Margot Quade returned home from serving in the Army, she didn’t expect to stumble right into a murder but, when she ends up at the heart of a mystery, she can’t help but solve it.

And as her time home unearths the town’s oldest secrets, she can’t help but seek out the truth, even when it means putting herself in peril.

From neighborly rivalries to painful blasts from her past, Margot’s faith serves as her guide to unraveling each new mystery.

What readers are saying...

★★★★★ “Everything you look for in a good mystery” – Mimi (Goodreads review)

★★★★★ “If you love cozy mysteries then I recommend this series.” – hbane12 (BookBub review)

★★★★★ “I like that Margot is a strong, compassionate person who works to help others, no matter who they are.” – Dorothy Scott (Goodreads review)

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Read An Excerpt

Read Chapter 1

Homecoming was bittersweet. After fourteen months serving her country, Margot Quade set foot back in the small town of Port Marie, Vermont in the dead of winter. At present, she sat in the front seat of her car—a beat-up Honda—staring at the imposing structure that was the Nesbit home. With a large circular driveway and a columned front porch, it screamed wealth. Margot was never much for such obvious signs of money; but she’d accepted the dinner invitation from Derek Nesbit as a chance to catch up with a former brother-in-arms.

The heater blasted stale air into Margot’s face, making the strands of her blond bob flutter under her nose and into her mouth. Time to brave the elements and the gaudy exterior, meet her friend’s relatives. It was just dinner. Snow fell outside her window in thick flakes as she donned a hat. After climbing out of the car, she raced up the driveway, careful of her footing. It wouldn’t make a very good first impression if she fell before even making it to the door. Ducking under the relative safety of the porch roof, she knocked on the front door.

No response.

Shivering in the bitter cold, she tugged off her glove and dug around in her coat pocket for her phone. Maybe I got the date or time wrong? The excessive heat of the Middle East threw off her New Englander sensibilities. Her exposed fingers turned red in a matter of seconds. She flipped to her calendar and found that she had not gotten the date or time wrong. Something seemed off.

She knocked again. She was about to peer through one of the fogged over front windows when the door squeaked on its hinges and opened inward. An older Latina woman with graying temples studied Margot in silence.

Margot tucked her ungloved hand under her arm to keep it warm as the woman continued to eye her. “Hi, I’m Margot. Derek invited me for dinner.”

The woman smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. They remained pinched at the corners with worry. “Please come in,” she responded in lightly accented English.

Margot darted into the large front hall, grateful for the heat. She shed her coat, hat and remaining glove. The woman dutifully took them, hanging them on a coat rack next to an old-school radiator.

“Everyone is in the dining room,” the woman said and gestured for Margot to follow her.

Margot stopped in front of the large staircase that dominated the rest of entryway. At the end of each balustrades sat a lifelike full-sized lion and lioness. She stepped closer and shivered—not from the cold, but from the dead look in the animals’ eyes. She suspected they had once been alive. As she left the animals to guard their posts, she doubted she would get along with Derek’s aunt and uncle.

“Warren, that’s unnecessary,” a female voice said from a distance.

“Just drop it!” Derek’s voice echoed from deeper in the house.

The volume of his voice drew Margot with faster steps through an industrial kitchen to the large dining room. The table could easily seat twenty, perhaps thirty people. Only five places were set at the far end. Four of the chairs were presently occupied. Derek was on his feet leaning over a man with snowy white hair. The woman beside him bore a striking resemblance to the older woman who’d invited Margot into the house with cinnamon-colored skin and jet-black hair pulled into a loose braid draped over one shoulder.

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Margot said, making her presence known.

Movement in the room stopped and Derek turned at the sound of her voice. Their eyes met and she noticed the fat lip and the bruise under his right eye. Despite his injuries, he stood at attention, hands behind his back. Even though his family was wealthy, Derek had exhibited none of the airs she’d expected. He was polite and kind, ready to help a fellow soldier no matter the task. He was often the first awake in the morning for cleaning duties, even when it wasn’t his assignment. Perhaps that was why they had hit it off so well. “Ma’am,” he said out of training and habit.

Margot tried to give a kind smile. She understood that the formalities drilled into them in the army were hard to break and even as a Chaplain, she’d outranked him. “It’s just Margot these days.”

Derek took longer to relax from his position than Margot thought was really necessary. The young woman at his side got to her feet and offered Margot her hand. “I’m Catalina, Derek’s wife, and that’s my mother, Rosalinda.”

Derek hadn’t stopped talking about his fiancée, Cat, while he and Margot had been completing their deployment. He’d been so excited to marry her. She hadn’t made the connection, though, that Catalina was the daughter of his family’s housekeeper.

“It’s nice to meet you. Derek talked about you all the time.”

Catalina smiled and let out a soft giggle. “Only good things I hope.”

“Always. I’m sorry I missed the big day,” Margot replied.

Neither Derek nor Catalina responded to her statement. Mrs. Nesbit stood and rounded the end of the dining table to greet Margot.

“Leave it to my nephew to not introduce us to his guest. I’m Mary Ellen Nesbit and this is my husband Warren. You can call me Mary.”

Warren Nesbit, upon closer inspection, was far heavier set than Margot would have imagined. From the stories she’d heard as a child, he’d always been an imposing man in great health. He looked more like an ordinary man in his sixties, having fallen victim to the ravages of time and aging.

“Margot Quade.”

Mary arched a brow in her nephew’s direction. “So, this is the Reverend you’ve been talking about for months at church?”

Margot blushed. “He really shouldn’t have.” Serving as a Chaplain had given her a purpose—one fostered from growing up in the church. That same church now sat leaderless after her mentor, Reverend Patrick Hawley, retired over a year earlier. Coming home, she wasn’t sure where she fit.

“There’s no one better for the position and you know it,” Derek argued.

Derek believed Margot was perfect to take over leading the Christian portion of the new interfaith church, a sentiment Reverend Hawley shared. Margot didn’t object to leading a congregation, if it turned out to be God’s path for her.

“Derek mentioned you helped to keep up morale overseas,” Mary said.

Margot couldn’t deny she and Derek had bonded during their time abroad. She regretted that the difference in their upbringing—Mary and Warren raised Derek on the wealthier side of town—meant they’d only connected as adults.

“Enough of this religious talk. It’s time to eat,” Warren barked, not moving from his chair.

Rosalinda, eyes cast downward, disappeared into the kitchen and carried out plates of roasted winter squash and carrots. Next came perfectly formed dinner rolls and a platter of white fish. Last, she brought out a bottle of red wine, setting it by Warren’s place.

“Aren’t you joining us?” Margot asked as Rosalinda beat a hasty exit out of the room.

“The help doesn’t eat with us,” Warren answered abruptly as he struggled to free the cork from the wine bottle.

Margot bristled at his words. She couldn’t fathom how Derek had grown up under this man’s guidance and turned out so differently. She sat beside Catalina and leaned close. She whispered, “Is he always like this?” 

“Since Derek came back.”

Decorum dictated that Margot accept the food offered by her hosts, but she barely ate anything, the tension in the room too uncomfortable for her liking. Something was wrong in this house.

“So, did you see combat like Derek?” Mary asked as Rosalinda carried out a carafe of coffee.

“Aunt Mary, you can’t ask things like that,” Derek said quickly.

“Well, you haven’t told us much about what she actually did. Or what you did, for that matter.”

“Careful, Mary. You’ll trigger his post-traumatic stress.” Warren snickered.

Derek’s fists tightened around the coffee cup in front of him. Margot had seen the tell-tale signs before, and not just in her fellow soldiers. She’d woken up in cold sweats in the middle of the night since her return home, swearing she’d heard a noise that could have been a bomb. She understood why Derek had been slim on the details of his service. There were some things one didn’t share with civilians and others that civilians couldn’t understand without being there in the moment.

“I didn’t see much combat, no. But I saw the aftermath,” Margot said in a measured tone. Just enough to give a response, but not enough to divulge their shared history.

“Well, Derek mentioned you saved his life. Thank you. Thank you for getting my husband back to me safely,” Catalina said with a sincere look.

“It wasn’t just me, but you’re welcome.”

Without warning or ceremony, Warren stood, unsteady on his feet, and teetered out of the room. The moment he was out of earshot and sight, the remaining Nesbits relaxed. Mary disappeared into the kitchen, returning with Rosalinda behind her carrying a dinner plate. She sat beside her daughter and ate in silence.

“I’m very sorry you had to see my husband like that,” she said to Margot.

“He’s turned into such a prick,” Derek said.

“He didn’t used to be like this,” Mary said, as if her nephew hadn’t spoken. “I think Derek going away overseas took a toll on him.”

He wouldn’t be the first family member to exhibit strain from a soldier’s absence. I know that feeling. “War can be difficult on families. Did he ever serve?”

“Uncle Warren?” Derek scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah right. He never worked a day in his life. I know I didn’t act like it, but our family money goes back a long way. Everything you see here, he inherited.” 

Derek stood up, breathing heavily, before storming out of the room. Margot watched him go in shock.

Catalina gave Margot a brief apologetic look and then followed her husband. They left Margot alone with Rosalinda and Mary. Mary studied the contents of her coffee cup in silence, refusing to acknowledge Derek’s tirade. Their attitudes and behavior made Margot wonder whether they had actually been to church of late. Perhaps they needed to be around people who shared their beliefs.

“He wasn’t happy about their wedding,” Rosalinda muttered so softly Margot almost missed it all together.

“Why not?” Margot asked.

Mary spoke up. “Warren thought they should have a traditional church wedding. It’s what we had, and since we had no children of our own, he never had the opportunity to host it. He felt cheated.”

“They went to the Town Hall, just the two of them. No minister, witnesses or anything,” Rosalinda explained, her voice growing stronger.

“Warren was furious,” Mary added.

The tension within the ranks made sense. From the little interaction she’d had with Warren, Margot could pin him as the type of man who wouldn’t easily give up control of situations and people in his orbit. Having his nephew—someone he viewed like a son—marry in a manner he didn’t approve of would make him upset.

“That’s not the only reason he is angry,” Rosalinda added, her voice softening again.

“Why else would he be upset?” Margot probed.

“He isn’t happy that Derek married the daughter of the help.”

Margot believed Rosalinda’s statement, given Warren’s reference to “the help.” Perhaps this was a test to see if she could counsel this family through this troubling time. Maybe this was God’s way of showing her she had a purpose in Port Marie. If Derek believed in her abilities enough to convince the congregation to call her their new minister, the least she could do was prove them right by helping him and his family in a time of stress. First, she wanted to talk to Warren and see if there was any truth to what everyone else had shared with her.

“Would you excuse me for a moment?” Margot stood before anyone gave her permission and made her way out of the dining room in the direction Warren had disappeared. She found him sitting in a large wing-backed leather chair in front of a roaring fire.

“Mr. Nesbit? Or would you rather, Warren? It’s Margot. I was hoping we could speak for a few minutes?”


She stepped around the side of his chair and something sticky caught at the bottom of her boot. She looked down to see an empty scotch glass lying on the hardwood floor. How had none of them heard it fall? And why wasn’t Warren moving to pick it up? Instead, he sat unmoving and unseeing in the chair. With a sinking feeling, Margot pressed her fingers to the man’s throat. No pulse.

Warren Nesbit was dead.


    ✨ Religious Sleuth
    ✨ Small Town
    ✨ Life lessons


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